Monday, April 19, 2010

Yosemite's Growing

Sun Country Marketing has a 20 year history of representing the manufacturer in the Las Vegas, Arizona and New Mexico area. They have made a commitment to maintain a close relationship with existing customers while finding and opening an entire new group of new customers.

Sun Country Marketing has a full time office run by Sherry Bryan. They have been very innovative with reaching customers, sending emails for tracking products, information on specials and also communicating with factories. This helps keep track of conversations and keeping facts straight.

Sun Country Marketing looks forward to working with Yosemite Home Décor, proving to be a rep Agency built on the solid credibility of professionalism.

Integrity Sales Group
Flint Hansell
Colorado & SE Wyoming

Integrity Sales Group is a Lighting and electrical agency based in Colorado. They currently cover Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah. We have been in business for 4 years and have been in this industry since 1994. Our customer base is Showrooms, Electrical Distributors, and OEM's. Flint Hansell has a 4 year background in pluming as well. Their agency provides training, marketing, and sales for manufactures.

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